Medicus AI Wellbeing Quiz

Initial Stages

I started studying the previous designs and assessing the components of the answers. In coordination with the medical research team, I journeyed through the updated version of the questions and the various outcomes of the score.

Medicus V0

The Templates

Designed various templates to cover the nature of the responses.

Medicus Templates


In order to spruce things up aesthetically, I worked on previously used illustrations which are part of the Medicus brand to reflect each question. I also collaborated with an illustrator to create unique ones that correspond to the outcome of the user’s score.

Illustrations Outstanding
excellent, outstanding
Illustrations Fair
fair, good, average, balanced
Illustrations Unbalanced
unbalance, below average, low ranking
Other Illustrations


The wellbeing quiz supports multiple languages. The German version posed the biggest dilemma, as the content largely exceeded the length taken into account in English. Special care was taken when designing in order to have an html structure that accommodates additional content.
Question template

Score Page

Based on information provided by the medical team, I designed the score page with two focal points in mind: Physical and psychological; while the secondary points tackle: mind, body and lifestyle. Tips and insights are generated based on an algorithm pertaining to the points accumulated from answers to the quiz.
Report Expanded

Design Handoff

  • File handoff inclusive of all states, hovers, interactions, responsive.
  • Detailed documentation on each artboard.
  • Prototypes to give engineers the opportunity to mimic the animation I have in mind.

White Labeling

The wellbeing solution was white labeled for UKV,  a German health care company.

CTA and Score page

The campaign’s objective is to gather the user’s email and get them to opt-in for news on various health products by UKV. I created a page teasing the full report (paywall approach).

User Testing

The pilot for UKV was tested (disguised as Medicus) with 108 users by the marketing team. Conversion rate for the completion of the quiz was well (78 users). Number for opting for the full report and the newsletter was significantly low (12/78 users). We attributed this to two hypotheses.
  • Location of CTA below the fold due to the paywall strategy.
  • The English content was translated as it is to German, which resulted in too much content around the CTA area.

A/B Testing

We developed 4 scenarios in order to test them on users.
UKV Report
A/B testing V1

User has to submit email and consent to getting the full report and health app news by email.

A/B testing V1

Report Teaser, followed by the Scenario 1

A/B testing V3

User views the full report and opts-in.

A/B testing V4

User can opt in and see full report or view full report then opt-in.


The data team confirmed Scenario 1 to be the winner, not only trumping the other scenarios, but also elevated the conversion rate  from 26% opt-in to 40%.

Take the Quiz

Vintage Cellar

An exclusive mobile application that digitize the personalization of fine wine purchasing.

User Flow • UI Design • Prototype • User Testing

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Vintage Cellar